Looking to brighten up a dark corner? Or add an eye-catching centerpiece to your next barbecue? Well, look no farther than this planter chandelier. The fairy lights give it a rustic feel, while the wire frame adds a bit of an industrial flare. Plus, you can dress it up with your favorite plant or create a little bouquet to place inside.
This DIY can be done in less than a half hour and looks so amazing, your guests are going to wonder where you picked it up. Ready to get started? Check out our quick and fun directions below, then gather all your supplies.
2 wire baskets
Butcher's string
Duct tape
Battery-operated fairy lights
A small bowl
A plant to hang inside
Butcher's string
Duct tape
Battery-operated fairy lights
A small bowl
A plant to hang inside
1. Tie the baskets together
Take the two wire baskets and with one facing up and the other down, tie them together. You don't need anything fancy here -- just some simple butcher's string will work. Use the scissors to snip off any excess string.
2. Tape the lights to the basket

Grab your favorite fairy lights -- we love the ones with a golden light lined up on copper or silver string -- and start weaving them around the baskets. Be sure to tape the battery-operated part to the center of the bottom basket. Tape it securely, but enough where you can also get in and put in new batteries when you need to.
3. Put it all together
Once you've finished the chandelier, you just need to put on the final touches. Cover up the battery chamber of the lights with a pretty little bowl. You probably have one somewhere in your house.

The bowl also acts as a booster that elevates your planter. All that's left now is for you to find an ideal spot to hang your gorgeous craft.
We made this project a couple of times now and here's another end result shot: