Traditional crochet blankets often feature a pattern called the Granny Square, which dates back to the 1800s. Women used to crochet these squares and save scraps of material and sew them into the patterns. When they had enough squares, they'd sew them into a blanket.
Part 1: The right way to make a granny square
Part 2: How to stitch several granny squares together
What you can do with granny squares
The multi-colored yarn used in today's pattern is reminiscent of the times when they used whatever scraps of fabric they had left from other projects.
This charming pattern is an easy way to create a beautiful blanket. You can even use this pattern to create fun sweaters, pillows or scarves. This type of pattern can be a great project because the squares are created individually, allowing you to work on a little bit at a time.
Like the pattern above? Buy it here.
There are several different styles of the Granny Square. The traditional square has a pretty pattern that's a bit floral in design. Once you master the basic technique, you can add fun designs (hearts, flowers or zig-zags).
Because projects with this type of pattern are fairly simple in design, you can add touches of personality by choosing different color patterns and adding a fun border after the squares are all sewn together.
If you are trying to branch out into different crochet projects (like purses, dresses, and jackets), the square shape of this pattern makes it's easy to work into different forms.
The quilt above shows a more traditional form of the square, albeit a bit dressed up. Other styles include a sunburst pattern and a solid square (which is perfect for potholders and rags!)
You can even make these squares small to use as added embellishment on other projects. The versatile technique is easy to use. For the most basic square, you should know double crochets, shells (three double crochets together) and the slip stitch.