How to crochet Granny rows (video tutorial)

Finding just the right look for whatever you are crocheting is always a challenge. Once you see the look you want, sometimes you get scared off because you think it looks too complex. Granny rows give a wonderful zigzag feel to your piece without being difficult to do or taking a great deal of time.
If you know how to chain and do the double crochet, you can do the granny row. To achieve the zigzag feel, all you have to do is change the color of yarn every two rows. Easy Crochet Pattern recommends actually tying off the yarn before changing color, so your crocheting doesn't unravel. This means that you don't have to worry about trying to feed the unused color along the top edge, which can get to be a challenge.
Perfect for afghans and blankets, the granny row is comprised of multiples of three plus two. Easy Crochet Patterns recommends that for a test run, start with a chain of 32. Chain 3 and turn. Place a double crochet (dc) in chain 32. Skip 2 chains and place 3 dcs in the next chain. Skip 2 chains and place 3 dcs in the next chain. Continue this pattern across the chain to the end, completing the first row and ending with 1 dc.
Chain 3 and turn. Place 2 dcs in each gap in the row below, skipping the dcs. End with 2 dcs in the last gap. Chain three and turn. If you were to do a color change, this would be when you would want to do it. ​
Easy Crochet points out that if you begin a row with 1 dc, you will end the row with 1 dc; and if you begin a row with 2 dcs, you will finish with 2 dcs.
Fortunately, many free patterns are available online for those who want to experiment with this stitch. Daisy Cottage Designs offers the pattern for the colorful blanket below.
Attic 24 offers one that is brighter and has different edging. Often, you can achieve a completely different look simply by changing the border on the blanket.
Try adding a shell border to give your granny rows a more delicate feel.
Robin from Raising Homemakers made an afghan using fall colors and granny rows. She states, "I’m loving how fast and easy it is to work on."​
For a step-by-step video on how to do the granny row, check out Maggie's Crochet below. It's not what you want to use for everything, but its simplicity will soon make it a personal favorite.