Arrange wooden planks in a pizza-shape to make this unique yard fixture

If you prefer homemade pizza to takeout, why not take it to the next level by growing your own ingredients? With a taste so fresh, you'll be able to say, "It's not delivery -- it's homegrown!"
For added whimsy, consider making your garden plot pizza-shaped. Lay out a circular shape in your yard, with a minimum diameter of at least five feet (1.5 meters) across. A pizza-shaped container like a kiddie pool will work, although you'll want to ensure a soil depth of at least two feet (0.6 meters) for your tomato plants.
Fill or mix in high-quality soil to prepare the space, then divide the circle into slice-shaped sections with wooden planks.
Now here's the fun part -- choose your favorite pizza toppings! Basil, onion, thyme, chives, bell peppers and, of course, tomatoes, are great plants to start with.
Note how far apart each plant should be and arrange the layout before actually planting to ensure your plants will get what they need. When you have an arrangement that works well, get your seeds or seedlings into the ground and water immediately. Your tomatoes will appreciate about three inches (7.6 centimeters) of mulch or compost at their base to keep moisture in.
Depending upon the climate and whether or not you're using a container, plan on watering your pizza garden two or three times per week. Tomato plants will require more water than herbs, and should be watered only at the roots; allowing the leaves to get wet increases the chance of developing diseases.
Herbs will be ready for harvesting before the tomatoes, but prepare to start rolling dough around 60 days after planting! Make it a family affair, with everyone harvesting their own toppings from the pizza garden.
What would you plant in a pizza garden? SHARE this article, then tell us your favorite toppings in the comments below.