10 surprising uses for tin foil

When it comes to tin foil, most people agree it has some pretty versatile uses. However, most limit its use to the confines of the kitchen. The truth is, tin foil can be incorporated into many areas of your home and can serve as low-cost household hacks.
Don't just use tin foil to preserve last night's leftovers! You'll be amazed at just what you can accomplish with this ordinary pantry item. For your next project, check out these 10 creative household solutions.
1. Static deterrent
Cooktop Cove
Don't you just hate it when your clothes come out of the dryer all static-y? Throwing a couple of balls of tin foil into the dryer will keep your clothes static-free. You can also wrap a tennis ball with foil to have it hold its shape. That sounds easy enough!
2. Rust removal
Mix a little water and baking soda, add tin foil and presto! You have the perfect concoction to remove rust. The rough surface of crumpled tin foil works to remove the rust quickly without damaging the surface.
3. Photography hack
DIY Everywhere
For all of you aspiring photographers out there, this DIY photography setup is a must try. You can easily create a cheap reflector out of cardboard and tin foil using the above check.
4. Keep bananas fresh
Don't you just hate when bananas ripen too quickly? You can prolong their shelf life by wrapping the stems in aluminum foil. Doing so will keep bananas fresher for at least 3-5 days longer.
5. Move heavy furniture
Place aluminum foil underneath heavy furniture items, like a couch, to form a nonstick surface. This allows for easy movement of otherwise cumbersome items and can be a total time and energy saver. Plus, you won't need to hire movers.
6. DIY curls
This awesome idea makes curling hair an absolute breeze. Simply wrap your hair in aluminum foil, heat with a straightener, and viola! Not only do the curls look great, but they last for hours!
7. Attract fish
You read that correctly--you can actually use tin foil to attract fish! The fishermen in your life are going to love this hack! The idea is that the reflection of the foil will catch the eye of the fish and trick it into taking a big bite of your hook.
8. Jewelry cleaner
Is your favorite piece of jewelry looking a little bland? You can shine it right up with this easy-to-use cleaning mixture and a bit of tin foil. Be sure to check out these top DIY jewelry cleaning tips.
9. Pastry bag
If you decide that your freshly baked goods need a little something special, you can make your very own pastry bag with tin foil. All you have to do is create a cone shape with the foil, then cut a tip in the top for the frosting to come out.
10. Make-shift iron
Wrap a cooking pot in aluminum foil and place it on the stovetop to heat up, creating a makeshift iron. Now you can use your aluminum foil for more than preserving food; you can also preserve your professional appearance.