Urban farming is becoming a bigger trend year after year as people look for healthy and sustainable ways to feed their families. Now, one family living just 15 minutes outside of downtown Los Angeles, California is showing us just how much we can do with the often little space urban farmers have to work with.
Every year the Dervaes family urban farms yields over 4 thousand pounds of food. They grow over 400 species of plants, get 900 chicken and 1,000 duck eggs, 25 lbs of honey, plus all kinds of seasonal fruits on just 1/10 an acre. On top of all that, the family also owns 8 chickens 4 ducks and 2 goats.
"I brought the country to the city," explained Jules Dervaes. His family farm is a team effort, all three of his kids and his wife pitching in to help. The plants they harvest are 90 percent of their daily food.
Plus, they do it all without pesticides or synthetic chemicals. The Dervaes entire urban family farm is totally organic, and they manage to grow so much food it is enough to feed them and report earnings of $20 thousand a year from their crops.
If you want to start your own urban garden, or simply maximize the use of space in your own garden, definitely check out the video below for inspiration
Some helpful homesteading tips to keep in mind as you look to embark on your own urban garden or homesteading lifestyle are:
- Don't use pesticides
- Chickens and ducks act as natural pest control, eating the bugs so you don't have to use chemicals
- Compost your food for fertilizer
- Chickens and ducks act as natural pest control, eating the bugs so you don't have to use chemicals
- Compost your food for fertilizer
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