How to grow green onions in containers

Sometimes it's the simple things in a recipe that we inevitably forget to grab at the grocery store. We assume we have garlic on hand and that there's green onions in the fridge. When we get home and start our dish we realize we're missing those ingredients.
Growing your own green onions in containers would solve that problem! Green onions are one of the simplest plants to grow and these tips will help make you a pro.
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Start by filling small pots almost full with dampened potting soil. Leave a space of about 1" at the top. Onions grow best from "sets" -- small bulbs grown specifically for planting -- versus seeds. Plant 2-3 sets per pot, with the root end down, spacing them about 2" apart.
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Place pots in a shallow planting tray and set in a sunny location. Onion sets will need approximately 5-6 hours of sunlight for germination. Keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Onion sets can look healthy even when they need water.
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When plants reach 4-6" tall they need to be transplanted into deeper containers. Using a small garden trowel, gently remove the green onions from the pots and transplant into deeper container.
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Mound the potting soil up over the bulbs, allowing only the green stems to be exposed. This will help keep moisture in the bulbs. Keep plants in a sunny location that so they receive the sunlight they need to grow, and water frequently to keep the potting soil slightly moist.
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When the tops reach the desired height, harvest as needed for recipes.
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When green onions are harvested, wash, chop and ENJOY!
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Growing your own green onions is quite simple to do, especially in containers! Make sure to keep the soil moist to prevent the bulbs from drying out and keep planting new sets for a continuous supply for your recipes.
These handy tips will help you grow green onions like a pro!
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