7 nifty reasons to use vinegar in your garden

When most people think of vinegar, they automatically expect it to be used inside the house and most commonly in the the kitchen — which makes perfect sense. Vinegar is typically used in food preparation and cleaning kitchen surfaces and appliances.
But what if I said it's a valuable asset in the garden, of all places? Would you think that was crazy? These 7 awesome ways to use vinegar in the garden can help you see it in a new, useful light.
1. As a weed killer
Instead of spending money on expensive herbicides to kill the pesky weeds in your garden, pour straight vinegar on them instead. The acetic acid in vinegar will dry the plant out, causing it to die. For the best results, try this on warm, sunny days and make sure to get only those weeds you want gone.
 Hafiez Razali / Shutterstock
2. To get rid of ants
Ants, ants, everywhere! When the pesky little pests get into your yard it seems like anthills continue to pop up everywhere no matter what you do. For an inexpensive solution, pour vinegar directly onto the anthills to rid them from your garden.
 Achkin / Shutterstock
3. Lower the soil pH
Acid-loving plants can be a challenge to keep in good spirits. Sulfur is expensive to apply to amend the soil and, works slowly to lower the pH to the desired range. For a short term fix, use the instructions at Diet of Life to give your acid-loving plants a quick vinegar shower. It will decrease the soil pH and make your plants happy.
 Fotokostic / Shutterstock
4. Clean rust from garden tools
Garden implements spend their time in contact with damp soil and often live outdoors. This usually means that over time they develop surface rust on their metal exterior. Soak tools in straight vinegar for 30 to 60 minutes to loosen rust, then wipe it away.
 Shark_749 / Shutterstock
5. Remove buildup from terracotta pots
Clay pots are notorious for developing a layer or ring of crusty sediment on them over time. It looks unsightly but can be rather simple to clean up if you follow the directions over at Get Busy Gardening.
 jax10289 / Shutterstock
6. Get rid of slugs
Slugs can be incredibly destructive and problematic in the garden, munching on tender plants you'd rather they avoid. They do provide benefits to compost piles, though, as they eat decomposing matter. To keep them away from certain plants, spray a perimeter of vinegar around the plants, reapplying after rainfall or if you see slugs crossing the barrier.
 Marija Stepanovic / Shutterstock
7. Remove fruit or vegetable stains from skin
After picking berries or certain veggies from the garden, your hands often display colorful stains. No need for scrubbing to get that color off if you have vinegar on hand! Simply rub straight vinegar on the discoloration and watch it disappear.
 OlegD / Shutterstock