Recycle your old cereal boxes into fun crafts with these 8 cool ideas

These days, being environmentally conscious can mean a number of things. Recycling is one of them. But recycling doesn't just mean putting your water bottles in the green bin; it can also mean repurposing items to create new and usable things.
Cereal boxes are a great size for crafting. In fact, you can use them as the basis for many crafts, and in some cases, they'll be completely unrecognizable as what they were before. Sturdy and large, cereal boxes are a great way to fine tune your crafting chops and create something super cool.
1. Mini notebook (h/t Creme de la Craft)
Create the cutest mini notebook using cardboard cereal boxes. It's just the right size to keep in your bag to use as a journal or shopping lists.
2. Drawer organizers (h/t iheart organizing)
Get clutter under control with cereal boxes. Use the boxes to create easy to use and colorful organizes you can use in your junk drawer, craft drawer, or even your bathroom to keep things organized and easy to grab.
3. Bookmarks (h/t Plum Pudding)
Kids will get a kick out of cereal box bookmarks, and one box could make a lot of these. They'd make great party favors or freebies for events, and they're easy to make.
4. Pencil case (h/t Makezine)
Store pens or pencils in a handy, convenient little pouch made from a cereal box. This is a fun and creative way to recycle cereal boxes, and the pouches come in handy for kids and adults.
5. Wall decor (h/t Ahhh Mom)
Make funky art using cereal boxes. All you need is contact paper in the pattern you like, and voila! You have hanging artwork that nobody would ever guess was formerly a box of Rice Krispies.
6. Gift tags (h/t Offbeat and Inspired)
Use cereal boxes to make cute and creative oversized gift tags. You can cut them into any shape you like, and once you decoupage them, they're hardly recognizable. They do, however, add some spice to presents.
7. Photo mats (h/t Amy J. Delightful)
Use the sturdy cardboard of cereal boxes to make adorable fabric-covered photo mats. Frame them with your favorite photos and they look like they came from a stylish boutique!
8. Magazine holder (h/t Mellison)
Instead of spending a lot on pricy magazine holders, why not create your own from cereal boxes? These also can double as coloring book holders or children's book organizers.