6 things you should know about when using a mirror lens

Keeping a shot in focus is one of the many keys to producing a good photo. You can create quality but unique photos with a mirror lens. Here are 6 things you should know about when using a mirror lens.
Mirror lenses have been around for awhile, around 200 years. They were popular in the 70s and 80s and are coming back in style again, despite their slightly distorted views. Below are some things to keep in mind when using a mirror lens.
1. Not very adjustable
The aperture and focal length cannot be change on a mirror lens, which can get tricky when taking photos that need these to be adjusted. A 500mm lens will be at f/8 and a 300mm lens will stay at f/5.6. You will need to be creative about placement of subjects and where to shoot.
2. Doughnuts
One part of using a mirror lens which is typical are that the out of focus areas sometime create rings of light, better known as doughnuts. These can make the shot look cluttered. When doughnuts are used correctly in the background, they can actually add unexpected beauty to a photograph.
3. Exposure
Exposure can be tricky when using a mirror lens, since options were minimal when these were popular. You can play around with the shutter speed to improve the exposure, but you will be limited since the aperture and ISO can't be changed.
4. Bokeh
Bokeh refers to the area of a photograph that is not in focus. Bokeh are common when using mirror lens due to the fact that there is little flexibility with adjusting the camera settings to make sure the right parts of the shot are in focus. With practice, you can use the bokeh parts to your advantange to add to your photographs.
5. Vignette
Another characteristic when using a mirror lens is that the photograph will appear to vignetting. Vignetting is when a shot is dark along the edges and gives off more light in the middle. This is typical of older photographs.
6. Digital help
Despite some disadvantages to using a mirror lens, you can use these to your advantage and even improve on the quality of your photographs by using a digital camera. You can brighten up a photo with vignetting, as long as the original is in RAW format. The ISO can be changed with a DSLR. Post-processing software can also help eliminate some faults of the mirror lens.