7+ tips to follow for when you are planting cauliflower

If you're trying to lose weight or just want to be healthy, cauliflower should be part of your diet. Low in calories, this vegetable is high in fiber, calcium, and magnesium.
In some circles, it's prized as a "superfood" with its proponents claiming it can help fight cancer, boost heart and brain health, and improve digestion. It's also believed to improve overall health with its many anti-inflammatory nutrients.
With everything that it has going for it, don't you think it should be growing in your vegetable garden? Here are seven tips to make it happen successfully:
1. Start with seedlings
Most experienced gardeners advise against starting cauliflower from seed. It has a reputation for being a bit delicate, so your chances of successfully growing it are better if you buy starter plants from your local garden center.
2. Choose a sunny location
Although cauliflower grows best in cool weather, it does require an ample amount of full sun each day (typically, about six hours). Make sure you pick a spot in the garden that doesn’t receive shade from trees or tall grasses.
3. Till the soil
Growing cauliflower requires a slightly acid soil with a pH of between 6.5 and 7. Till the soil to a depth of 10 inches and add compost or composted manure along with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.
4. Plant the seedlings
Remove the seedling from its container carefully to avoid breaking its roots. Make a small hole and plant the seedling up to its stem. Firm the soil and give the plant water. Space the seedlings 16 inches apart so they have plenty of room to grow.
5. Keep them moist
Water your cauliflower plants regularly to keep the soil consistently damp but not waterlogged. Your plants should be receiving around 1" to 1.5" of water each week. Any rainfall counts towards this watering goal.
Once your plants are growing, add a layer of mulch to help retain moisture and regulate the soil temperature.
6. Blanch the head
When the head is approximately the size of an egg, bend the plant's leaves over the head to shade it from sunlight. You can use rubber bands or string to hold the leaves in place. This process, known as blanching, keeps the head from becoming yellow and dark. And even though a darkened head of cauliflower is still edible, it won't be as tender and appealing as when it's pale and white.
7. Nourish your plants
Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer every three weeks during the growing season, and remove weeds carefully to prevent root damage.