Pour food coloring in milk and stand back and watch the surprising reaction

Food coloring brings a bright and beautiful look to a variety of food and beverages. A favorite icing can go from plain to powerful with just a few drops. The more you add, the deeper and more vibrant the color can become.
Did you realize, however, how much fun food coloring can be when it comes to science experiments? There's so many exciting adventures awaiting you with that small jar of concentrated color. Check out the experiments below for an interesting look at this small but powerful item in your kitchen.
1. Magic milk
Milk is for much more than just making your bones strong. It can help create an interesting science experiment too. Check out the video below and see how food coloring can "run" across milk with just a few household items.
2. Sugar water density layers
Density is always an interesting concept to test at home. You can make liquids seem to stand on top of each other without mixing together, all because of density. Watch the experiment to see how sugar, water and food coloring can make a neat way to test the density of water. The more sugar you add, the more dense it becomes.
3. Walking water
Did you know that you can transport water from one glass to another without ever picking up the glass? And you can change the color of the water? Watch this video below to see how you can "walk" water from one glass to another with a paper towel as your bridge.
4. Oil, water and food coloring do they mix?
When you drop food coloring into water, it can easily be mixed to change the colors. What happens when you drop food coloring into oil? Will it mix up? Will it stay in droplets? Check out the video below to see what happens when you try to mix these two items.