How to make a moss and succulent wreath

Moss and succulents are both so trendy, so why not combine them? This gorgeous wreath has the best of both worlds, and it even includes a few faux flowers for a fun pop of color.
Whether you hang it inside or outside, it's sure to be a hit with everyone who sees it. Watch the video and read the instructions if you'd like to learn how to make your own.
- Wire wreath ring
- Fake moss
- Floral wire
- Wire cutters
- Faux succulents
- Faux peonies
- Twine
- Scissors
1. Cover the wreath ring in faux moss and secure it in several places with pieces of floral wire. Use wire cutters to snip off any excess.
2. Add the faux succulents to the bottom half of the wreath, securing each one in place with floral wire.
3. Add the faux flowers last, attaching them to the bottom of the wreath in the same way as the succulents.
4. Tie a piece of twine around the top of the wreath so you can hang it on your front door or somewhere inside your home.
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