How to make a watermelon-inspired serving tray

Watermelon slices are one of the classic symbols of summer, and this watermelon serving tray is a way to bring a summery feel into your home with very little effort. It's an easy project anyone could do, and it has so may uses.
Whether you're having after-work drinks on the patio or serving kids lemonade on a Sunday afternoon, this watermelon tray is sure to make it a lot more fun. Watch the video or keep on reading to learn how it's done.
- Two decorative handles
- T-square ruler
- Circular piece of wood
- Pencil
- Clamps
- Electric drill
- Red acrylic paint
- Green acrylic paint
- Two paint dishes
- Water
- Craft stick for stirring
- Piece of cardboard
- Paintbrush
- Black permanent marker
- Screws
- Screwdriver
1. Measure the distance between the two screw holes on the decorative handles.
2. Make two marks near the edge of the wood spaced apart the same distance as the screw holes using the T-square and pencil.
3. Repeat step 2 for the other side of the tray.
4. Clamp the piece of wood to hold it in place and screw holes through all four of the pencil marks.
5. Squeeze some red and green paint into two separate dishes; thin it with a bit of water and stir with a craft stick to combine.
6. Place a piece of cardboard under the edge of the wood and paint a red circle in the middle of the board, leaving two to three inches of space at the edge.
7. Paint a thin line of green around the outer edge of the wood.
8. Once the paint has dried, use the black marker to draw watermelon seeds onto the red part of the tray.
9. Screw on both handles.
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