How to make lemon slice sunglasses

Sunglasses are a must-have summer accessory, but some of the pairs for sale just seem so boring. If you're looking for a pair that makes a statement, the best solution is to make your own.
Whether you're going on a tropical vacation or soaking up the sun at a beach, these lemon slice sunglasses are a cute way to protect your eyes from the sun's rays. Check out the video and the instructions to learn how to make a pair for yourself.
- Yellow, white and green polymer clay
- Wooden block
- Piece of cardboard
- Clay sculpting tools
- Knife
- Precision knife
- Pair of sunglasses
- Hot glue gun
1. Roll a small piece of light yellow polymer clay into a ball and use a wooden block to slightly flatten it.
2. Set the clay ball on the cardboard and score three lines on it with a clay sculpting tool, dividing it up into six pieces like a pie. Cut along the lines so you have six triangular wedges.
3. Roll the white clay into a thin strip that's as wide as the lemon slices are tall. Using your fingers and a clay sculpting tool, carefully line the straight edges of each lemon slice with the white clay. Assemble the pieces back together in a circle.
4. Roll out another thin strip of white clay and wrap it around the outside of the circle.
5. Roll out a slightly thicker strip of dark yellow clay and wrap it around the white layer.
6. Carefully roll out the clay into a long cylinder on the cardboard. Cut the cylinder into slices with the precision knife.
7. Once the clay has dried, hot glue the lemon slices around the frame of the sunglasses.
8. Make a small lemon shape out of the dark yellow clay and add a leaf-shaped piece from the green clay.
9. Hot glue the miniature lemon onto the top right corner of the glasses.