5+ household items you can upcycle into snazzy bird feeders for your backyard

Bird feeders are designed to attract birds to your yard, but they can also dress up an outdoor space. From recycled material to old garden pots, there are a variety of ways to make a unique and custom bird feeder.
If you want the birds to be your friends all year long, check out these six gorgeous DIY bird feeders. The birds will be flocking to your yard in no time.
1. Teacup bird feeder
Easy to refill and much cuter than the plastic birdfeeders in stores, this DIY project is a simple way to dress up your outdoor space and make friends with the birds in your area. The hardest part will be picking the teacup you want to use.
2. Plastic jug bird feeder
Instead of tossing an empty juice jug into the recycling bin, create a clever bird feeder. The little added perch will encourage feathered friends to stop by for a snack. As a bonus, you can easily customize the feeder to match your existing outdoor decor.
3. Tin can bird feeder
This feeder is a fabulous way to add some personality outside. The twine and little key add a touch of charm, giving the feeder an element of interest. Choose bright and fun colors as this gives the feeder a playful look.
4. Mason jar bird feeder
This bird feeder definitely has a unique look. The box surrounding the mason jar gives this feeder a rustic vibe, allowing it to perfectly blend in with the other plants and trees in your garden. The best part? As the birds peck away at the seed that has already left the mason jar, more will spill out, saving you from constantly having to refill the feeder.
5. Terra cotta pot bird feeder
If you are a beach lover, then this bird feeder is ideal for you. With its sand-like color, seashells and sand-coated rim, this feeder looks just like a sandcastle. Don't forget the little flag on top, a sweet finishing touch.
6. Cookie cutter feeder
This feeder is an ideal craft for kids because it is both simple and fun to make. If you don't have corn syrup you can also just mix plain bird seed with lard or natural peanut butter. Either way, you can customize the feeder into any shape you like.