6+ tips to follow the next time you have to deadhead your roses

Roses are one of the most common flowering ornamentals found in gardens across the world. Known for the exquisite beauty and intoxicating fragrance, it's easy to see why they are so popular.
With roses being known for their beautiful blooms, it's important to take care of your bushes to keep them blooming regularly. Deadheading spent blossoms will help to encourage new blossoms and in turn, new flowers.
1. Sharp pruners
One of the most important things you can do when deadheading roses is to start with sharp pruners. This ensures that cuts are even, with no jagged edges.
2. Clean and disinfect equipment
It's important that you don't transmit diseases from one plant to another. Before starting your deadheading project make sure your pruners are free or dirt and debris, and then wipe them down with rubbing alcohol or wash them quickly to prevent cross-contamination.
3. 5-leaflet cut
The traditional method for deadheading roses is to prune the cane back to the first 5-leaf junction below the bloom. Gardening Know How recommends leaving approximately 3/6 to 1/4" of cane above the bloom to support new growth.
4. Cut on an angle
Any time you prune a plant, regardless of the reason it's best to make cuts on an angle, so that water drains away from the node or set of leaves directly below. This will help to reduce the chance of fungal problems.
5. Twist and snap method
You can also simply grab ahold of the spent blossoms and with a quick twist or your wrist, snap them off the cane. It may leave a portion of the old stem but this will die back after time. Some gardeners prefer this method as it is quick and easy.
6. Seal cut ends of canes
Although sealing the cut ends of rose canes isn't a requirement, some rose gardeners still recommend applying a layer of white glue (not washable) over the exposed wound to prevent insect damage. Arizona's Cooperation Extension's Backyard Gardener refutes the myth and explains why sealing recently pruned rose canes is a good idea.