Paint the edge of a sliced lime to make the coolest craft +5 projects

Lemons and limes can be used for many things. From desserts to refreshing drinks, these citrus fruits bring a little bit of zing to anything you add them to.
Who says you have to stop at food, though? Lemons and limes are a fabulous way to add color and playfulness to summer-inspired crafts. Scroll below to check out these six adorable crafts and choose one.
1. Coasters
These coaster are an easy way to dress up a coffee table for the summer. Paired with fancy bottled lemonade or homemade sangria, they also make for an adorable hostess gift. The bonus? You can't get much cheaper than felt when it comes to crafting materials.
2. Rind candles
The next time you want to sip drinks on the patio, use the insides of the lemons and limes for cocktails and save the rinds for these candles. You can even customize the scent of the candle by using any essential oil you want.
3. Stamped pouch
This craft turns a plain pouch into something much brighter and cuter. By using lemons and limes as a stamp, you get a distressed look when some of the paint doesn't transfer. Choose a pouch with coordinating color zipper so the finished project looks polished.
4. Sunglasses
If you want to make a bold outfit statement this summer, then these are the glasses for you! If you want a more understated look, however, try adding lemons only to the corners of the glasses. If lemons aren't your thing, just switch up the color to mimic the look of other fruit (such as pink for grapefruit or green for limes).
5. Potpouri
Potpouri is shockingly expensive but surprisingly easy to make yourself. Both pretty in looks and smell, a batch of this lemon and lime potpouri can be whipped up in no time. All you need to add is a pretty dish to hold the potpouri.
6. Suncatcher
Use the long summer days to your advantage and incorporate the sun into your decor. Wood wrapped in rope gives the suncatcher a polished look, but if you prefer more boho or relaxed vibes, try hanging the lemon and lime suncatchers from a piece of driftwood.