How to make "Home" string art

Sometimes the best pieces of decor are the simplest ones. Using just a few common items such as nails and embroidery floss, you can create this minimalistic and gorgeous string art. Although the feminine font and white embroidery floss give the string art a fresh and bright appearance, the wood grain adds a rustic vibe to the whole piece.
This DIY project can be displayed on a tabletop by placing it on a holder or can be hung or a wall by simply adding picture frame hardware. No matter how you display it, it's a charming way to add some art to any space.
- Short wood board
- Wood stain
- Paintbrush
- Cloth
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Finishing nails
- Hammer
- White embroidery floss
- Scissors
1. Apply wood stain to the wooden board with a paintbrush. Wipe off excess stain using a cloth.
2. Allow the stain to dry.
3. Draw 2 lines across the wood board with the ruler and a pencil. These lines will serve as guidelines so that the word "Home" can be drawn on straightly.
4. Write the word in cursive lettering inside the two lines drawn on on the board.
5. Partially hammer in finishing nails along the pencil outline of the word. The nails should be evenly spaced and close together.
6. Tie a knot around the first nail in the letter "h" using the white embroidery floss.
7. Loop the embroidery floss around all the letters and tie a knot around the last nail to secure it to the nail.
8. Cut off any excess embroidery floss with scissors.