Elevate alphabet pasta to classy place settings for your next dinner party

Alphabet pasta isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a fancy dinner party at your home. While you may not want to serve the letter-shaped pasta as a meal to your guests, you shouldn't count it out for another use. Spell out your guests' names with those letters for a unique and charming place setting.
Paint your pasta letters to match the decor or theme of your gathering. Adhere them to doilies placed in the center of the plates. Everyone will get a kick out of the whimsy of this little touch at even the fanciest dinner party.
- 1 bag dried alphabet pasta
- Light blue chalk paint
- Glass jar to hold paint
- 1/4-inch paintbrush
- Paper or cloth doily
- White glue
- Toothpick
DIY Everywhere
1. Spread the pasta out on your work space so you can easily find the letters you need.
2. Choose the letters for the first name on your work space. In the example, we have spelled out "AMANDA."
3. Pour light blue chalk paint into the glass jar.
4. Dip the paintbrush into the chalk paint. Paint the entire surface of each letter in the name.
5. Spread white glue onto the tip of a toothpick.
6. Use the toothpick to spread the glue on the back of the first letter.
7. Press the glue side of the letter down onto the center of the paper doily, spacing it properly so you can center the entire name on the doily.
8. Glue the remaining letters of the name to the doily in order.
9. Repeat all the steps for each name of the people who will attend your gathering.
10. Place the doilies in the center of your dinner plates. Arrange the plates on the table according to where you want people to sit.