6 hacks to keep in mind if you love false lashes

False lashes are a staple in many a makeup addict's kit, and everyone learns a few tricks along the way (and more than a few fails). If you love your false lashes but struggle to apply or remove them, then these tips will make your day.
Keep in mind that treating your lashes with care will protect your investment. Even drugstore lashes can be worn repeatedly, so jot down some of these artists' secrets and save yourself some cash and heartache.
1. Give 'em a good curl
New lashes too flat? Well, you can fix this by wrapping them around the base of a makeup brush for a few minutes before applying them. They'll adopt a slight curvature, making them fit your lash line more seamlessly.
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2. Trim to fit
We're all unique, and our eye shape is no exception. So, before you apply your falsies, make sure you trim them to fit your eye. Since the inner corner is shorter than the outer, be sure to trim the outer edge for the most natural effect.
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3. Apply by looking down
Getting your lashes in place correctly is tough to do when looking straight ahead. Try laying your mirror on a flat surface and looking down during application.
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4. Grab a glue tool
Having trouble applying glue evenly? Grab a Q-tip and use it to glide the glue just along the base.
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5. Be patient
If your glue is too wet, the lashes won't set firmly. Try waiting at least 30-40 seconds after applying the glue before applying your lashes. The tackier the glue is, the better the adhesion will be.
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6. Clean them properly
Oil-based products can ruin the lash band, making it difficult to affix the next time. Use an oil-free makeup remover and a soft cotton swab to gently remove your lashes, then clean them thoroughly with warm water and a gentle cleanser.
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