Cover an egg with toothpaste. Here are 5+ toothpaste science experiments you need to see to believe

Toothpaste isn't just for brushing your teeth. The tooth-cleaning material makes for an excellent ingredient in science experiments too.
Keep reading to see a few ideas for using toothpaste in different science activities the whole family will enjoy.
See how it powers paper boats
Toothpaste becomes a fuel of sorts in this experiment.
Elephant toothpaste experiment
Believe it or not, the screenshot below is not Photoshopped. Watch how you can make elephant-sized toothpaste.
Pour bleach into Coke. Prepare for the surprising result
Coke combined with bleach adds up to an interesting experiment.
Dip a Q-tip in dish soap for a must-see effect
The burst of color has science behind it.
Man folds a $20 bill and shows the camera something you've never seen
Who knew Andrew Jackson could be so expressive?