Dish soap is one of those household items that are great for so much more than what it was created for. There are a lot of fun things you can create with dish soap, and you can also do a lot of different and fun science experiments using dish soap.
These experiments can get kind of messy so make sure you are in a place where it is easy to clean up once the experiment is over. Here are 6 experiments you can try that involved dish soap.
1. Water, dish soap, and oil experiment ( h/t ChallisCox)
It is no secret what happens when you add dish soap to water. You have a bubbly concoction that is great for cleaning dishes. But, what happens when you add your typical cooking oil to the mixture. In one short phrase: science happens. This is a simple experiment anyone can try. Watch the video, and then give this experiment a go.
2. Dish soap slime experiment ( h/t SlimeMasters)
The ultimate science experiment that is slime is not over by a long shot. Amateur and mini scientists are constantly coming up with new ways to create slime and keep the fun, and the science, going. This slime science experiment by Slime Masters uses only dish soap, and few other ingredients; no glue and no borax. How is this even possible? Watch the video and see how this science experiment turned out.
3. Water, pepper, dish soap experiment ( h/t HugoCorrea)
A little water, ground black pepper, and a dab of dishwashing soap and watch magic happen. Doing this experiment is easy, but explaining why it happens is way more difficult. Watch what happens when you stick your finger with soap on it into the water, and what the pepper does. Then show your friends and tell them the science behind your trick.
4. Vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap experiment ( h/t DT)
From previous experiments, you may have learned what happens when you add baking soda and vinegar together. You get the overflow of the original volcano experiment. What happens when you add a little dish soap to that mixture? In the video, you will see exactly what happens when you mix these three reactive ingredients together. This is one of those experiments that could get a little messy.
5. Create milk art with dish soap ( h/t SFGlobe)
Science can be informative and create beauty at the same time. Just check out the Aura Borealis or the Northern Lights. With this experiment, you will see what happens when you add milk, dish soap, and some food coloring. When you watch this video you will see what happens when the worlds of science and art collide.
6. Hydrogen peroxide and dish soap experiment ( h/t MDSTV)
This is one of the experiments where you may want to lay a towel down before you start. You will be using some very reactive ingredients. Yes, dish soap and hydrogen peroxide are seemingly harmless or have a very little chemical reaction as individual products but together they make what is called “elephant toothpaste.” Watch the video, and check out this cool science experiment.