Start saving your bottle caps so you can make these 12+ incredible DIYs

You twist it off and throw it away without even thinking of it — the bottle cap. Made of metal or plastic, the bottle cap seems like something only useful for sealing a bottle. So you into the trash it goes.
It's hard to believe that something so small can be transformed into amazing projects for your home, but with a little creativity and a bucket of bottle caps, you can create almost anything. These 12 projects will have you starting your own bottle cap collection with your very next drink.
1. Bottle cap magnets and thumbtacks
Repurpose those old bottle caps and use them as fun little magnets. Put up a shopping list or a photo on your fridge, for instance. Check out how easy this is in the video below:
2. Garden bottle cap flowers
These cute garden flowers don't require any water or fertilizer. They add a whimsical and colorful touch to your real flower garden. To keep blooms in your garden year-round, check out the video below:
3. Bottle cap mirror (h/t Aleene's Glue Products)
Create a functional piece of art using old bottle caps. Try out the method below to create a vintage vibe in your home:
4. Bottle cap snowmen
These adorable snowmen will liven up your holiday season. Collect metal bottle caps throughout the year for this creative holiday craft project. Check out how easy it is to make with the help of the video below:
5. Bottle cap wind chimes (h/t Kelli Nina Perkins)
This colorful wind chime will create quiet music in your garden. You can collect or purchase bottle caps to create your own version. ​
6. Bottle cap candles
Adorable little candles made from metal bottle caps are both whimsical and functional. A unique idea for birthday parties or for a camping kit! All you need are bottle caps, candle wax and wicking material. Check out the video below:
7. Bottle cap games
A friendly game is easy to create using either recycled or new bottle caps. This metal bottle cap idea is is a cute idea for either indoor or outdoor patio area.
8. Bottle cap flag (h/t Hometalk)
Show off your American pride with this creative display of bottle caps. Check out the project below:
9. Puffy bottle caps
Transform your bottle caps into round ornaments for hanging on garlands, necklaces or keychains using this amazing tutorial at CrispArt. With the use of his handmade tool, Cris Peacock creates something truly unique.
10. Plastic bottle cap basket
This colorful basket is made from plastic bottle lids. While the tutorial by Taringa is in Spanish, the step-by-step pictures make it easy to follow no matter what language you speak. You can easily modify it to create any size of basket you need. Your only limit is the amount of bottle caps you can save!
11. Repurposed magnets (h/t Charmed Earth)
Reuse not only your bottle caps but also your newspapers and magazines to create these decoupage magnets:
12. Bottle cap table
Looking for a truly unique piece of furniture? Collect your metal bottle caps to craft a focal point to use in any room of your house. Try out the technique below: