How to make a watermelon welcome mat

Mats are an easy way to add some instant personality to your space, especially because they are one of the first things you see upon entering a home. Seasonally themed mats are often very expensive, however, considering you only use them for a few months at a time.
The best solution? To simply make your own summer-themed welcome mat. In just a few easy steps, a plain mat becomes a whimsical watermelon. Check out the instructions and video to see how it's done.
- Semicircle sisal mat
- Plastic sheeting
- Painter's tape
- Green spray paint
- Pink spray paint
- Cardstock
- Precision knife
- Black spray paint
1. Tape plastic sheeting onto the mat with painter's tape. Approximately 3 inches should be exposed along the circular portion of the mat. (This will become the watermelon rind.)
2. Paint the exposed portion of the mat with green spray paint. Once the paint is dry, remove the plastic sheeting.
3. Tape plastic sheeting onto the mat again, this time covering the green portion as well as about an inch of the mat above the green.
4. Paint the exposed portion of the mat with pink spray paint. Once the paint is dry, remove the plastic sheeting.
5. Cut a teardrop shape into a piece of cardstock with a precision knife to serve as a stencil for the watermelon seeds.
6. Place the stencil onto the pink portion of the mat. Apply black spray paint onto the stencil, creating a seed. Continue this step until multiple seeds cover the pink portion of the mat. Allow the paint to dry.
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