How to make a gold-dipped mug

Add a little shine to everyday decor with this tutorial on using liquid metal and Mod Podge to decorate a mug. The gold tone on a light-blue mug looks like the sun shining in the sky on a cloudless day, but the mug color is optional, and gold drip on a black mug would look elegant on a dresser or black bookshelf.
Looking to do something a bit more adventurous than just placing the mug on a shelf? Try hanging up a thick gilt or gold-painted picture frame. Insert a few screw hooks equidistant along the bottom of the frame, then hang gold-dipped plastic mugs from the hooks.
- 1 solid-colored ceramic or plastic mug
- 1 jar of liquid metal
- Medium-sized plastic bowl
- Mod Podge
- Wide wood craft stick
- Piece of construction paper or cardboard
DIY Everywhere
1. Pour equal amounts of liquid metal and Mod Podge in the bowl. Stir with the craft stick to thoroughly mix.
2. Place the mug upside-down on the piece of paper or cardboard.
3. Scoop some of the mixture onto the stick. Place the stick close to the mug’s base and let the mixture drip from the base down the sides. Do this around the entire base. Smooth out the liquid metal wherever you desire. Use the stick to gently stop the drips if you don't want long streaks. Let the drips dry.
4. Turn the mug over. Gently dip the rim into the liquid metal and Mod Podge mixture. Let it dry.