How to make a pin cushion with an embroidery hoop

Those with a passion for needlework will instantly recognize the incredibly useful nature of a simple embroidery hoop. What may not be as evident are the many other uses these wooden crafting tools can provide with just a bit of imagination and insight. Instead of sticking exclusively to embroidery, transform a hoop into the perfect pin cushion for your craft room.
Keeping track of all those pesky pins has never been easier. Requiring only a bit of foam and a small embroidery hoop, this DIY project will put a pin organizational system securely in place, leaving you free to focus on crafts. Take the time to complete the pin cushion look with a fabric that fits your personal taste and style. 
-1 small 6” embroidery hoop
-12”x 12” crafting foam block
-12” x 12” fabric swatch
-Crafting glue
-Tongue depressor
DIY Everywhere
1. Place a 12”x 12” foam crafting block on a flat surface. Using a Sharpie, trace the interior of a small 6” embroidery hoop onto the center of the block.
2. Cut the traced circle from the foam, and even out the edges as cleanly as possible.
3. Remove the interior band of the embroidery hoop and line the interior with crafting glue using a tongue depressor to even out the glue as needed.
4. Carefully place one end of the foam circle into the interior band and allow the glue to set.
5. Drape a square of 12”x 12” fabric squarely over the top of the foam circle.
6. Loosen the tightening apparatus on the outer band of the embroidery hoop. Place it over the top of the fabric square until it meets the interior band at the bottom of the foam circle. Once in place, re-tighten the hoop to secure.
7. Cut excess fabric from below the hoop line as desired.
8. Place the stylish new pin cushion in a craft room and use to keep pins firmly in place.