How to shoot bokeh

Bokeh refers to a camera style where the photographer intentionally makes certain objects blurry. Bokeh is not the same as a naturally occurring blurry background that occurs as a result of a camera focusing on an image. Different camera lenses create different bokeh effects. For example, one lens might make light fractals look round, while another might make the light look seven sided.
When you have created a bokeh effect correctly, the image is appealing to see and has a "soft" look, without any glare or harsh edges. This tutorial teaches you how to create a gentle blurred effect during a photo shoot.
- Electrical string lights, white
- Camera
DIY Everywhere
1. Plug in the string lights so that some string lights are close enough to reach the subject when unraveled, while the rest of the lights are not in the frame.
2. Dangle a few lights in front of the camera lens. Move them around so thea the lights are next to your subject.
3. Use a shallow depth of field. Check the f-stop on your camera. The camera setting should be a lower number for a shallow depth.
4. Take the photograph.
Photographers love to use the Bokeh effect to create attractive portraits of people.