How to make a sequin frame

Sequins are tiny, round “glamour-adders” that up the maximalist mood of a space instantly. As a craft material, well, they’re indispensable. This picture frame project is just one of many wonderfully unorthodox ways to employ the small but mighty décor enhancers.
A sequin-embossed photo on the living room mantel will cause visitors to take note, so it’s best to make sure that someone special is the subject of the photograph. This project can be done lickety-split, and since sequins are now available from crafts stores in rolls, there is no painstaking application of individual, tiny pieces required. Sequins are available in myriad hues, so this project can be tailored to aesthetic taste and color scheme alike.
- Low-cost plastic or wooden picture frame
- Single-strand roll of sequins in color of choice
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
DIY Everywhere
1. Lay the photo frame on the work surface.
2. Unravel a length of the sequins. (Do not cut the length from the roll.)
3. Apply a horizontal line of glue, from left to right, to the uppermost portion of the frame.
4. When the first row of sequins is affixed, apply a little more glue directly under the last bit of sequins that have just been glued to the upper far right portion of the frame.
5. Take the length of sequins and gently change the direction in which they are being applied; you should now be applying them from right to left and applying glue before laying each sequin section down on the frame.
6. Continue to work until the top portion of the frame is covered with sequins and they snake along for about four rows.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 on the bottom and side portions of the frame.
8. Allow the glue to dry fully.
9. The frame is now ready to be filled and displayed.
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