Those fun and fanciful bed sheets that have kept the bed cozy don’t have to be discarded when it’s time to swap them out for something new. That patterned fabric can also make for a charming look when the sheet is transformed into the perfect throw pillow. A little cutting and stitching go a long way towards giving a used sheet new life as a home decor accessory. Comfortable and stylish, creating a plush pillow from a bed sheet saves a trip to the home goods store and keeps money in the wallet as well.
While a fun and fruity sheet pattern makes for a creative final product, any sheet color or design will do. Feel free to mix and match old sheets for a unique take on a throw pillow, or stick with something solid if the pillow finds itself in a room that is already filled with a variety of patterns and textures. Adding a decorative button to the center of the throw pillow is the final stylized touch that truly transforms the look of this DIY pillow project.
-Patterned bed sheet
-Round plate
-Red chalk pencil
-Measuring tape
-MemOffice cutting mat
-Loop rotary cutter
-Transparent plastic measuring board
-Pink piping
-Sewing pins
-Sewing machine
-Pillow stuffing
-Needle and thread
-Thread snips
-Decorative shanked button
-Patterned bed sheet
-Round plate
-Red chalk pencil
-Measuring tape
-MemOffice cutting mat
-Loop rotary cutter
-Transparent plastic measuring board
-Pink piping
-Sewing pins
-Sewing machine
-Pillow stuffing
-Needle and thread
-Thread snips
-Decorative shanked button

DIY Everywhere
1. Place a patterned bed sheet folded in half on a flat working surface, and smooth the fabric so the edges are in line.
1. Place a patterned bed sheet folded in half on a flat working surface, and smooth the fabric so the edges are in line.
2. Place a round plate edge-down on top of the fabric, and outline the plate using a red chalk pencil.
3. Cut the circle from the fabric using the red marking as a stencil to create two identical circle cutouts.
4. Measure the circumference of the round plate using a measuring tape.
5. Place the remaining bed sheet fabric on a MemOffice cutting mat. Cut a strip of fabric using a loop rotary cutter that measures equal to the circumference of the round plate with an additional 1 inch included as well as a 4-inch seam allowance. Use a transparent plastic measuring board to create straight lines with the rotary cutter.
6. Pin pink piping around the edges of both fabric circles. Cut away excess piping once the edges meet.
7. Baste the piping to the fabric making sure not to sew too close to the edge of the piping.
8. Machine-stitch the edges of the long fabric strip leaving a hole in the seam so the pillow can eventually be stuffed.
9. Pin the strip of fabric to each of the fabric circles.
10. Machine-stitch the strip to the circles staying as close as possible to the piping.
11. Turn the pillowcase inside out through the small seam opening.
12. Stuff the pillow full with pillow stuffing through the seam opening.
13. Hand sew the seam opening shut with a needle and thread. Cut away any excess with thread snips.
14. Attach a shanked button to the center of one side of the pillow using a needle and thread and pulling through the entire pillow to secure. Knot and cut away excess thread when the button is attached.
15. Place the throw pillow on a chair in an office, in a reading nook or on a couch for a stylish touch everyone can enjoy.