Wine is wildly popular with everyone these days, whether it’s an Old World varietal or a trendy, blush-hued rosé. Whatever your taste buds warm to, it’s always better to have everything you need for sipping in one place, whether it’s just you and Netlix for the evening or a group affair. This DIY wine rack bar project works for every situation, and it's made from a simple wooden pallet. It has a rich and rustic appeal that will beautify your kitchen, back porch or dining area.
Pallets are easy to access because they're often discarded by stores, but you can purchase them cheaply at home stores as well. This project requires just a few simple tools, some chalkboard paint and a few other supplies, but the payoff is truly amazing. You get an appealing, multipurpose piece that can store your bottles and glasses while doubling as a serving and tippling station, thanks to the attached mini-counter surface. There’s no question you’ll want to raise a glass after you complete this project!
-2 sawhorses
-1 wooden pallet, 42 by 48 inches
-Handheld electric sander
-150 grit sandpaper
-Bottle of black chalkboard paint
-Plastic paint tray, about 8 inches deep
-3-to-4-inch-wide heavy duty paintbrush
-Tape measure
-3 wooden boards that are the same width as the pallet, 2 about 1 inch thick and the other about ½-inch thick
-Stemmed wine glass
-Electric drill
-¾-inch spade
-½-inch spade
-Two metal hinges
-16 screws that fit the holes in the hinges
-Small oblong wooden piece, about 2 by 3 inches
-2 eye-hook screws
-Metal chain
-Needle-nosed pliers
-Dremel tool
-2 screw-locking carabiners
-2 sawhorses
-1 wooden pallet, 42 by 48 inches
-Handheld electric sander
-150 grit sandpaper
-Bottle of black chalkboard paint
-Plastic paint tray, about 8 inches deep
-3-to-4-inch-wide heavy duty paintbrush
-Tape measure
-3 wooden boards that are the same width as the pallet, 2 about 1 inch thick and the other about ½-inch thick
-Stemmed wine glass
-Electric drill
-¾-inch spade
-½-inch spade
-Two metal hinges
-16 screws that fit the holes in the hinges
-Small oblong wooden piece, about 2 by 3 inches
-2 eye-hook screws
-Metal chain
-Needle-nosed pliers
-Dremel tool
-2 screw-locking carabiners

DIY Everywhere
1. Position the sawhorses about two feet apart.
2. Place the pallet on top of the sawhorses so the short ends are jutting out a bit from the sawhorses’ outer sides.
3. Lightly sand the four wide top panels of the pallet with the electric sander and 150 grit sandpaper.
4. Brush any dust from the sanding process off the panels with your hand.
5. Pour chalkboard paint into the paint tray until it reaches about a third of the way up the tray from the bottom.
6. Coat the sanded pallet boards with the chalkboard paint, as well as all the boards and wooden connector pieces below them.
7. Let the paint dry.
8. Measure the width of the top pallet boards with your tape measure, and measure the distance to the center of the board.
9. Get a plywood board that’s the same width as the pallet.
10. Using the tape measure, mark the center of the plywood with a pencil.
11. From the center mark on the plywood, measure and mark half the width of the pallet's center board on each side of the mark.
12. Make another mark on the plywood for the depth of the center pallet board. This will allow you to cut a notch the width and depth of the center pallet board.
13. Place four of the chosen wine glasses on the plywood. Measure and mark stem to stem on the plywood for equal spacing. Here, you're defining the spacing of notches for the wine glasses.
14. From the front edge of the plywood board, make a 2-inch deep mark at each of the 4 stem measurements.
15. Fit the 3/4-inch spade into the electric drill and bore 4 holes at the four marks indicating the 2-inch depth.
16. Draw two parallel, vertical lines from each side of the 4 drilled holes perpendicular to the front edge (the 2-inch side) of the plywood board.
17. Fit the 3/8-inch spade into the drill and bore 2 holes at the marks you made in step 11 to notch for the palette's center board.
18. Draw vertical, parallel lines from each side of the 2 drilled holes to the back edge of the plywood board.
19. Using the handsaw and the pencil lines as guides, cut four vertical pieces from the board, starting at the top. These are notches for the stems. Cut all the way down to where the 3/4-inch holes are located, so the bottoms of each cut section are the rounded ends of the holes you created earlier.
20. Using the handsaw and the pencil lines as guides, cut one vertical, rectangular notch from the board starting from the bottom.
21. Fit this wider notch over the center board of the palette, pushing the notched plywood snugly up against the back of the palette. The four rounded notches for the wine glass stems will be facing upward.
22. Using the screwdriver, insert a screw through each of the two holes in the middle center part of the board.
23. Place the metal hinge on one end of the pallet. Using the screwdriver, insert four screws to secure one of the hinge plates to the pallet.
24. Repeat step 22, but on the other end of the wide end of the pallet, on the same side as the first hinge.
25. Place the flat side of the small wooden rectangle in the center of the pallet’s side where the hinges are attached. Its purpose is to provide a stable place to put the second wooden board while attaching it to the pallet. Its height should be about equal to the height of the side of each hinge that is screwed into the pallet.
26. Position this 1-inch-thick pallet-width board on top of the pallet, but perpendicular to it.
27. Using the electric drill, attach the second plate on each of the hinges to the outside of the board.
28. Remove the small wooden rectangle from the space between the long bottom end of the board and the pallet. This board is going to be the bottom portion of the piece that sticks out from the wall. You’ll be able to sit the glasses on this mini-counter surface.
29. Screw an eye hook screw into the center of one of the outer vertical wooden pieces that connect to the larger horizontal pallet boards.
30. Screw another eye hook screw into the top of the inner corner of the board that’s attached to the hinged board.
31. Secure the point where you want to cut the piece of metal chain with a needle-nosed pliers and cut a piece of it with the Dremel tool so its length matches the distance between the two eye hook screws.
32. Attach a screw locking carabiner to one end of the chain, unwind its mechanism, and close it by winding it back up. It should be threaded through and securely attached to the eye hook screw.
33. Repeat step 31 with the other end of the chain, screw locking carabiner, and eye hook screw. The chains will form diagonal lines.
34. Take the other 1-inch-thick board that’s the same width as the pallet. Place it flush up against what will be the top of the rack.
35. Attach this piece using the electric drill and two screws on each side. About half of this board will overlap the top of the pallet.
36. The rack is now ready to be hung on the wall. Stemmed wine glasses can be hung from the cutouts in the upper portion, wine bottles can be placed in the middle pocket section, and the bottom mini-counter can be used to set down bottles and glasses while serving and enjoying refreshments.
1. Position the sawhorses about two feet apart.
2. Place the pallet on top of the sawhorses so the short ends are jutting out a bit from the sawhorses’ outer sides.
3. Lightly sand the four wide top panels of the pallet with the electric sander and 150 grit sandpaper.
4. Brush any dust from the sanding process off the panels with your hand.
5. Pour chalkboard paint into the paint tray until it reaches about a third of the way up the tray from the bottom.
6. Coat the sanded pallet boards with the chalkboard paint, as well as all the boards and wooden connector pieces below them.
7. Let the paint dry.
8. Measure the width of the top pallet boards with your tape measure, and measure the distance to the center of the board.
9. Get a plywood board that’s the same width as the pallet.
10. Using the tape measure, mark the center of the plywood with a pencil.
11. From the center mark on the plywood, measure and mark half the width of the pallet's center board on each side of the mark.
12. Make another mark on the plywood for the depth of the center pallet board. This will allow you to cut a notch the width and depth of the center pallet board.
13. Place four of the chosen wine glasses on the plywood. Measure and mark stem to stem on the plywood for equal spacing. Here, you're defining the spacing of notches for the wine glasses.
14. From the front edge of the plywood board, make a 2-inch deep mark at each of the 4 stem measurements.
15. Fit the 3/4-inch spade into the electric drill and bore 4 holes at the four marks indicating the 2-inch depth.
16. Draw two parallel, vertical lines from each side of the 4 drilled holes perpendicular to the front edge (the 2-inch side) of the plywood board.
17. Fit the 3/8-inch spade into the drill and bore 2 holes at the marks you made in step 11 to notch for the palette's center board.
18. Draw vertical, parallel lines from each side of the 2 drilled holes to the back edge of the plywood board.
19. Using the handsaw and the pencil lines as guides, cut four vertical pieces from the board, starting at the top. These are notches for the stems. Cut all the way down to where the 3/4-inch holes are located, so the bottoms of each cut section are the rounded ends of the holes you created earlier.
20. Using the handsaw and the pencil lines as guides, cut one vertical, rectangular notch from the board starting from the bottom.
21. Fit this wider notch over the center board of the palette, pushing the notched plywood snugly up against the back of the palette. The four rounded notches for the wine glass stems will be facing upward.
22. Using the screwdriver, insert a screw through each of the two holes in the middle center part of the board.
23. Place the metal hinge on one end of the pallet. Using the screwdriver, insert four screws to secure one of the hinge plates to the pallet.
24. Repeat step 22, but on the other end of the wide end of the pallet, on the same side as the first hinge.
25. Place the flat side of the small wooden rectangle in the center of the pallet’s side where the hinges are attached. Its purpose is to provide a stable place to put the second wooden board while attaching it to the pallet. Its height should be about equal to the height of the side of each hinge that is screwed into the pallet.
26. Position this 1-inch-thick pallet-width board on top of the pallet, but perpendicular to it.
27. Using the electric drill, attach the second plate on each of the hinges to the outside of the board.
28. Remove the small wooden rectangle from the space between the long bottom end of the board and the pallet. This board is going to be the bottom portion of the piece that sticks out from the wall. You’ll be able to sit the glasses on this mini-counter surface.
29. Screw an eye hook screw into the center of one of the outer vertical wooden pieces that connect to the larger horizontal pallet boards.
30. Screw another eye hook screw into the top of the inner corner of the board that’s attached to the hinged board.
31. Secure the point where you want to cut the piece of metal chain with a needle-nosed pliers and cut a piece of it with the Dremel tool so its length matches the distance between the two eye hook screws.
32. Attach a screw locking carabiner to one end of the chain, unwind its mechanism, and close it by winding it back up. It should be threaded through and securely attached to the eye hook screw.
33. Repeat step 31 with the other end of the chain, screw locking carabiner, and eye hook screw. The chains will form diagonal lines.
34. Take the other 1-inch-thick board that’s the same width as the pallet. Place it flush up against what will be the top of the rack.
35. Attach this piece using the electric drill and two screws on each side. About half of this board will overlap the top of the pallet.
36. The rack is now ready to be hung on the wall. Stemmed wine glasses can be hung from the cutouts in the upper portion, wine bottles can be placed in the middle pocket section, and the bottom mini-counter can be used to set down bottles and glasses while serving and enjoying refreshments.