Convert a shampoo bottle into a marbled and multifunctional phone holder

Nearing the end of your shampoo bottle? Upcycle it into a phone holder that’s stylish, inexpensive, eco-friendly and multifunctional. Not only is the holder a convenient place to stash a cell phone while it’s charging, but it doubles as a power-free way to amplify music. Simply place the phone’s speaker down into the holder to naturally increase the volume.
Gold nail polish stands out against an opaque bottle, complements the blue agate and matches the pink marble phone case. Depending on the style of your phone case, you may want to switch up the color of the polish and agate. After finishing this craft, get a fresh manicure using the same polish color so that your case, holder and nails perfectly match.
- An old shampoo bottle
- Goo Gone
- Paper towel
- Painter’s tape
- X-Acto knife
- Gold nail polish
- High temp glue gun
- Flat agate stone
DIY Everywhere
1. Peel the label off the front and back of an empty shampoo bottle.
2. Put some Goo Gone on a paper towel and wipe the outside of the bottle until the residue from the label is gone.
3. Wrap a strip of painter’s tape about three-fourths of the way up the bottle.
4. Use an X-Acto knife to cut the bottom of the bottle off below the painter’s tape. Discard the top.
5. Paint the cut edge of the bottle with nail polish. Allow some of the polish to run for a dripping gold effect.
6. After the polish has dried, turn the bottle over and put a circle of hot glue around the bottom. Place the bottom onto a flat agate stone and allow it to dry.
7. Your new phone holder is ready. Place your phone in it as a handy charging station or a way to amplify music.