Dress up the bathroom: Make a soap dispenser from a liquor bottle

Plastic soap dispensers can get grungy, scratched and dented very quickly, which is why a glass dispenser is better. You can easily can wash glass, and it won't dent. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a soap dispenser out of a liquor bottle. A clear bottle helps you know when to refill, but colored glass can add a decorative touch to a bathroom or kitchen.
If you don't have colored glass but want something to match a specific decor, use a different paint on the bottom and/or a different sticker and marker color for the label. For example, if the kitchen is black and white and you want to add color, paint the bottom yellow; the sticker can be white with red or yellow lettering. For an elegant look in the same room, use silver paint and marker instead of gold.
- Clear liquor bottle with screw-on cap
- 1-inch painter's tape
- Metallic gold craft paint
- Paint palette or small empty bowl
- Flat artist's brush
- Blank black sticker to fit across the front of the bottle
- Metallic gold marker
- Soap dispenser mechanism that fits the bottle top
- Scissors (not shown)
DIY Everywhere
1. Clean and dry the bottle. Remove any labels.
2. Wrap painter's tape around the bottle 2 inches up from the bottom. Paint around the 1 inch of bottle below the tape. Let it dry, then remove the tape.
3. Write "Hand Soap" with a metallic gold marker on a black sticker. Apply the sticker to the front of the bottle.
4. Insert and screw on the dispenser mechanism. Trim the tube if it is too long.