Save those old newspapers and copy these DIY ideas

Good news, bad news, fake news ... it's hard to know what to do with all the information in the newspaper these days. Whether or not you enjoy the paper's written content, you can appreciate its physical material. Newspaper is durable and has a vintage quality that appeals to bookworms, graphic designers and the average eye. It's a wonderful, practical medium for a variety of different craft projects.
Newspaper is useful for decorating. You can turn it into wall art using a frame or a wreath as the base. You can enhance everyday objects like an ordinary can by covering them with newspaper for a surprising decorative effect. Plus, if you have gifts to give, newspaper makes the simplest wrapping paper. Learn all of those ideas and more from this set of DIY newspaper projects.
How to make newspaper wall art
Some of the most striking art in the world is made from the humblest of materials. You don't get much humbler than an old newspaper. Use a favorite article with a headline that you love to make a truly special piece of art. Alternatively, use up whatever extra paper and paint you have to make a quick graphic canvas art piece. Get the tutorial here.
How to make a newspaper gift tag
It's easy to wrap a gift — any gift — in newspaper. Choose the right newspaper pages for the one receiving your gift, such as the crossword puzzle for a word lover's gift. Make the newspaper go further when you also create a gift tag out of it. This makes the whole set look like it's professionally wrapped. Get the tutorial here.
How to cover a can in newspaper
A simple can covered in basic newspaper becomes a surprisingly special addition to your kitchen. Wrap a ribbon around it for a pop of color that matches the rest of your kitchen decor. Use it to hold utensils. Or, make it into a pencil can and place it on your office desk. Get the tutorial here.
How to make a newspaper lampshade
Who would have thought that a page of newspaper could make a beautiful lampshade? It's not the most obvious way to upcycle newspaper, which is exactly what makes it so eye-catching. It's one of those things that guests will see, do a double take about, and think to themselves, "Now why didn't I think of that?" Get the tutorial here.
How to make a newspaper wreath
Wreaths are no longer just for the Christmas season. The modern crafter updates their home several times a year with new wreaths suited to each season or holiday. This newspaper wreath DIY is particularly well-suited to spring, because of its floral appeal. However, change up the colors in the newspaper pages you select to make it work for almost any season. Get the tutorial here.
How to make a banner with newspaper
Celebrate something or someone special with a banner announcement in your home. This is a very affordable DIY with newspaper as the primary material. Whether you write "Get Well," "Welcome Home" or your child's date of birth to hang on their wall, anyone who walks into the space will get the message. Get the tutorial here.
How to make a newspaper rose
Imagine eating a candlelit meal with someone you love. You're both a little nerdy, so the rose on the table is a newspaper rose popping out of an upcycled bottle. For some people, nothing could be more romantic. Like true love, the rose will last for years to come. Get the tutorial here.