Tame those tresses with this super-simple wine cork hair accessory DIY

This wine cork hair decoration DIY virtually assures a good hair day. With just a bit of paint, you can make the cut half of a cork into a cutting-edge hair design element to match your mood, the season or your outfit.
You can give your cork the paint treatment shown in the video, paint an abstract design on it, or even go for a simple pattern like polka dots or stripes. This craft is as easy on the wallet as it is cute and creative. A pair of these will flatter you instantly, or they’d make an ideal gift for that hair-aware friend.
- Wine cork
- Utility X-Acto knife
- Three colors of acrylic paint
- Small paint palette
- Fine art paintbrush
- Hot glue gun
- Glue sticks
- Alligator clip barrette
DIY Everywhere
1. Lay your wine cork on the work surface.
2. Cut the cork in half lengthwise with the X-Acto knife.
3. Gather your acrylic paint colors, and squirt a bit of each into separate wells in the paint palette.
4. Paint one end of the cork one color, and continue painting the first third of the curved surface of the cork.
5. Paint a strip of equal width to the first painted cork section in the second paint color.
6. Paint the third strip of equal length to the other two on the last section of the cork.
7. Let the flat side of the cork remain unpainted.
8. Allow the paint to dry.
9. Apply a few drops of glue to the front of an alligator clip barrette.
10. Affix the flat side of the cork to it. It should cover the barrette up to the clip section that makes the barrette open and close.
11. Allow the glue to dry.
12. Slide your new barrette into your locks, and prepare for compliments!