Save your leftover wine corks to make a set of flirty stacking bracelets

For a fun and sustainable set of stacking bracelets, try this tutorial to make a casual, feminine accessory you can customize completely. Perfect for a lunch date, you can pair the bracelets with a casual outfit for a flirty touch. Get your friends together, and add a fun activity to a girls’ night. Get ready to grab a glass of wine and get started.
Each bracelet needs only one slice of a wine cork. The tutorial shows a stack of three bracelets, so you may want to double-check the length of your wine cork to know how many you'll need. When using an X-Acto knife to cut the wine cork, be sure to cut slowly and keep your fingers out of the way. You may choose to use work gloves for added safety.
- Wine cork
- X-Acto knife
- Washi tape
- Scissors
- Mod Podge Matte
- Small paintbrush
- Eyelet screws, 2 per bracelet
- Jewelry chain
- Chain-nose pliers
- Flat-nose jewelry pliers
- Flush cutters
- Jump rings
- Jewelry clasp
- Letter stencil or sticker (optional)
DIY Everywhere
1. Use an X-Acto knife to cut off one end of the wine cork, then cut a slice of cork about 1/2-inch thick.
2. Lay your slice flat, and cut two strips of washi tape long enough to cover the flat side of the slice completely.
Tip: if your washi tape has a pattern, try to match it up when you place your pieces.
3. Use scissors to trim the tape edges as close to the cork as possible once you've covered the flat side of the wine cork slice.
4. Apply an even, thin layer of Mod Podge Matte on top of the washi tape with a small, flat-tip paintbrush. Allow this to fully dry.
5. Insert an eyelet screw into the side of the wine cork slice, as close to the middle as possible. Screw it in until the eyelet is flush with the cork. Repeat on the exact opposite side of the slice.
6. Unravel about 1 foot of jewelry chain, and set the end next to one of your eyelet screws. Using jewelry pliers, pry open a jump ring, and slip it onto the end link of the jewelry chain. Use the jump ring to join the eyelet screw with the length of jewelry chain, and use jewelry pliers to gently push the jump chain closed.
7. Place the round of wine cork on the middle of your wrist, and loop the jewelry chain around to measure for your bracelet.
8. Once you find the appropriate length, use flush cutters to snip the jewelry chain from the spool. Following the same steps as before, add a jump ring to the free end of your chain attached to the wine cork and the second eyelet screw.
9. Find the middle of the chain, and snip using flush cutters.
10. Add a jump ring to both sides of the snipped chain, and add a jewelry clasp to one end. We used a lobster claw clasp.
11. Repeat these steps as many times as you like for a variety of bracelets. For stacking bracelets, try using a couple of different designs of washi tape, or add your first initial using a stencil or sticker and securing with Mod Podge.
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