Cheapest DIY ever: Turn an old sock into an adorable coin purse

We've all lost one of a pair of socks in the dryer, at a friend's house or somewhere else we can't remember. It's not only frustrating but sad to see the lone sock, sitting by itself and no longer useful. Some useful DIY projects, however, can turn a single sock, into something helpful, such as this adorable coin purse.
This project is easy to complete and inexpensive. Gather up all your singled-out socks, and make these purses to give friends at the holidays. Or you can create one for yourself and put it in your office or car. The project takes just a few minutes once you've assembled the materials.
- Sock
- Coin purse kiss clasp frame
- Felt-tipped marker
- Scissors
- Twine
- Needle and thread
- Liquid glue
- Flat-head screwdriver or flat-sided awl
- Old handkerchief or small piece of cloth.
DIY Everywhere
1. Place the sock on a clean, dry work surface, and turn it over so the foot faces up.
2. Pinch it outward so the sock lies flat, and fold the heel upward so it also lies flat.
3. Place the kiss clasp frame right below the fold of the heel, and use a marker to draw a line under the frame.
4. Remove the frame, and draw another line on top of the first to represent the other side of the frame.
5. Cut along the top line with scissors. Keep the bottom half of the sock, and discard the rest.
6. Unwind some twine, and place it along the inside of the lip of the new cut in the sock.
7. Thread the needle, and sew the twine to the sock. Cut the twine and thread when you've finished.
8. Sew an identical piece of twine to the inside of the cut on the other side of the sock.
9. Liberally apply liquid glue to the twine, and use the screwdriver or awl to press the twine into one side of the coin purse's frame.
10. Wipe away excess glue with the cloth.
11. Repeat septs 9 and 10 to glue the sock to the other side of the frame.
12. Let fully dry before using the coin purse.