You’re only five steps away from the shabby chic coatrack of your dreams. This coatrack made from old spindles will tidy an entryway and welcome guests. Some sanding, a fresh coat of paint and a few screws transform a hunk of junk into an inviting accessory that organizes the area around the front door.
For easy assembly, search for old spindles connected at the top and bottom by a railing, like the kind you’d find on an old porch. While you're looking for the spindles, keep your eyes peeled for vintage coat hooks. This project uses three identical hooks, but a mismatched set would add a dash of charm.
- 4 spindles connected at the top and bottom by railings
- 1-by-6 board a few inches longer than the spindles
- Orbital sander
- Rag
- FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paint in “White Adirondack”
- Large paintbrush
- 3 decorative coat hooks
- Pencil
- Electric screwdriver
- Small drill bit
- 6 small wood screws
- Phillips head bit
- FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paint in “Maui Sand”
- Small paintbrush
- Wooden board, painted white
- 2 long wood screws
- 1-by-6 board a few inches longer than the spindles
- Orbital sander
- Rag
- FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paint in “White Adirondack”
- Large paintbrush
- 3 decorative coat hooks
- Pencil
- Electric screwdriver
- Small drill bit
- 6 small wood screws
- Phillips head bit
- FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paint in “Maui Sand”
- Small paintbrush
- Wooden board, painted white
- 2 long wood screws

DIY Everywhere
1. Sand the spindles with an orbital sander, and remove the dust with a rag.
1. Sand the spindles with an orbital sander, and remove the dust with a rag.
2. Paint the spindles with “White Adirondack” or the chalk paint of your choice, as well as the board that will become the sign. Allow the paint to dry.
3. Position a decorative hook on the bottom railing between two spindles.
4. Mark the holes with a pencil.
5. Drill pilot holes into the marks, and screw the hook to the railing using small wood screws.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the other two hooks.
7. Sketch “Welcome” or another phrase on the white board.
8. Paint the phrase with “Maui Sand” or another color of chalk paint. Allow the paint to dry.
9. Put the sign face down on the workhorses and put the spindles on top of it, centering the sign.
10. Drill a pilot hole in the middle of the spindle furthest on the left, and screw the spindle to the sign with a long wood screw.
11. Repeat with the right spindle furthest on the right.