The great cubist artists were cutting-edge, and sometimes their concepts of cubism were applied to stained glass windows. Inspired by those windows, this tutorial shows what can happen when the style is applied to a trinket bowl. It's oh-so-affordable and doable, featuring tissue paper designs.
Tissue paper, which often arrives in gift bags, is too pretty to throw away, so you’re likely to have a collection. With a little careful crafting, those pretty colors can last forever. Choose a mix of colors, making sure some are pale enough to allow light to come through. Place the bowl near a window or light source for maximum impact.
- Tissue paper, 3 or 4 sheets in different colors
- Craft scissors
- Clear plastic wrap
- Balloon
- Cup
- Mod Podge (water based sealer, glue and finish)
- Craft paintbrush
- Tissue paper, 3 or 4 sheets in different colors
- Craft scissors
- Clear plastic wrap
- Balloon
- Cup
- Mod Podge (water based sealer, glue and finish)
- Craft paintbrush

DIY Everywhere
1. Flatten the tissue paper on your work surface.
1. Flatten the tissue paper on your work surface.
2. Cut into 1-inch strips.
3. Cut the strips into one-inch squares, although a little variation in size and shape is good.
4. Blow up the balloon, tie it, and set it in the cup to secure it, with the tie inside the cup.
5. Paint a small area of the balloon with Mod Podge.
6. Gently apply tissue, one square at a time, to the areas with Mod Podge.
7. Smooth the tissues as you put them on, overlapping them slightly and varying the angle of each square.
8. Paint more Mod Podge onto the balloon, and apply tissue paper, circling out from the center.
9. Continue applying Mod Podge and tissue squares until the area covered resembles a bowl about halfway up the balloon.
10. Allow the Mod Podge to dry completely.
11. Once dry to the touch, apply Mod Podge over the tissue squares and add another layer. If you like the pattern you’ve made, apply the tissue squares on top of the same colors in the first layer.
12. Allow the second layer to dry completely before adding a third layer on top of the second using the same approach.
13. Allow to dry.
14. Add a final layer of Mod Podge on top of the dried third layer. Allow to dry.
15. Cut off the tie of the balloon, deflating it.
16. Cut the balloon around the edges of the Mod Podge, making a smooth ridge.
17. Turn the bowl inside out, and gently pull the balloon rubber off of the bowl.
18. Turn the half circle right-side out, and smooth into a natural bowl shape.