Many of us enjoy spending time outdoors, enjoying our gardens. They can feel like our own personal slice of paradise, away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. But there can be one thing that genuinely spoils the pleasant nature of relaxing outside. Mosquitos, bugs, and other flying pests can invade our gardens too quickly and turn them into a total nightmare.
While there are effective insect repellants on the market, many of us don't feel comfortable exposing our bodies and gardens to harsh chemicals on a regular basis. Luckily, there are more natural, pleasant ways to repel flies and mosquitoes in your garden - all through the growing of plants. There is a whole host of different plants that naturally repel garden pests, and help your garden remain totally yours.
1. Basil

It's not just a delicious addition to pasta and salads - a basil plant can actually do wonders for the bug levels in your garden, too! The leafy herb's strong aroma keeps mosquitoes, in particular, at bay.
2. Lavender

Again, the strong fragrance of this plant makes it highly effective at repelling pests. Once your plant is established, it will continue to bloom year on year, giving your garden a beautiful purple hue and a delicious scent.
3. Rosemary

Rosemary is a particularly hardy plant, making it a great choice for beginner gardeners. This woody shrub smells great - plus, you can use offcuts to season roasted meat!
4. Marigolds

These large and extravagant golden flowers look absolutely stunning in your garden. But what makes them even better is their bug-repelling scent. You can even grow them in window boxes if your garden is spatially challenged.
5. Lemongrass

Mosquitoes really dislike citrusy smells, as citronella candles demonstrate. Lemongrass helps release this scent continuously and naturally, to keep mosquitoes and other bugs out of your terrain. These plants can grow very large, so make sure to give them adequate space!
6. Chrysanthemums

If your garden is plagued by many different types of bugs, chrysanthemums may be the plant for you. They can repel mites, ants, bed bugs, ticks, battles, and even roaches! This is thanks to the flowers releasing a particularly neurotoxin that pests can't stand.
7. Garlic

It's not just a tasty addition to your home cooking. Garlic releases a strong smell that aphids, in particular, will want to avoid. You should plant garlic at the garden's perimeter to maximize its bug-repelling range.
8. Catnip

While cats absolutely love it, most garden pests are not a fan of catnip. The scent is so effective at dissuading mosquitoes that you can even use the leaves as a natural insect repellant. It can quickly take over flowerbeds, though, so make sure you confine it to pots.