Woman creates a two-tone effect by painting the upper and lower kitchen cabinets in contrasting colors. Her makeover is beautiful

Updating kitchen cabinets with a two-tone effect can completely transform the look and feel of a kitchen without the expense of a full renovation. By painting the upper and lower cabinets in contrasting colors, homeowners can create a striking visual impact that highlights the architecture of the space and adds a fresh, modern touch to an otherwise ordinary setting. This DIY project is ideal for those looking to refresh their kitchen with a bold statement while adhering to a budget.
For a cohesive and stylish look, consider the color scheme of your entire kitchen and the adjacent areas when choosing colors for your cabinets. A popular choice is to select a lighter color for the upper cabinets and a darker shade for the lower ones, which helps to ground the space and make it appear larger. Complement this setup with neutral walls, possibly adding backsplash tiles that tie in with one of the cabinet colors. Metallic or brushed nickel hardware can add a touch of elegance, while bold handle colors or designs can inject some personality.
Two-Tone Kitchen Cabinet Transformation
Sandpaper (120 grit)
Tack cloth
Primer (1 gallon)
Latex or oil-based paint for cabinets - 2 colors (1 gallon each)
Paintbrushes and rollers
Painter's tape
Drop cloths
Paint trays
Remove all hardware and cabinet doors from the upper and lower cabinets. Label each door with its location using painter's tape.
Clean the cabinets thoroughly with a degreasing cleaner to remove surface oils and grime.
Sand all surfaces to be painted with 120-grit sandpaper to roughen them up for better paint adhesion. Wipe dust off with a tack cloth.
Apply a coat of primer to all the cabinet surfaces. Allow it to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Once the primer is dry, begin painting the upper cabinets with your chosen lighter color. Apply at least two coats, allowing the paint to dry between coats.
Repeat the process for the lower cabinets using the darker color.
Once all paint has dried, reattach the hardware and doors to the respective cabinets.
Remove all painter’s tape and clean up the area.
Variations & Tips
For a subtler contrast, consider using shades of the same color, like navy blue and light blue. Another variation could be using textured or high-gloss finishes on one set of cabinets to add dynamic depth to the room. To further customize your kitchen, consider changing out old hardware for something modern and distinctive, like copper handles or minimalist pulls. These small changes can make a big impact on the overall aesthetic.