Lady takes some pool noodles, creates the most awesome DIY

Pool noodle luminaries are a fun and creative way to add some unique lighting to your home or backyard. This DIY project not only repurposes inexpensive pool noodles but also allows you to customize the luminaries to match your style and decor. They are perfect for parties, gatherings, or simply enhancing the ambiance of any space with a warm and inviting glow. Plus, they are super easy to make and require minimal supplies.
Pool noodle luminaries can be styled in various ways to complement your decor. Use them as centerpieces on dining tables, line them along walkways or garden paths for a magical evening effect, or place them on shelves and mantels for a cozy indoor ambiance. You can customize the colors and finishes to match seasonal themes or your overall home color palette, making them versatile for different occasions and settings.
Pool Noodle Luminaries
Pool noodles (4-5 depending on desired quantity)
LED tea lights or fairy lights
Electric hot knife or sharp utility knife
Clear plastic cups (one for each noodle)
Spray paint (optional, for customization)
Decorative items like ribbons, stickers, or glitter (optional)
Glue gun with glue sticks
Sandpaper (optional, for smoothing edges)
Cut the pool noodles into pieces approximately 6-8 inches in length using an electric hot knife or sharp utility knife. Make sure to cut straight to ensure each piece stands well.
If desired, sand the edges of the cut pool noodles to smooth them out using sandpaper.
Place a clear plastic cup inside one end of each pool noodle piece. The cup should fit snugly to hold the shape of the luminary.
If you'd like to customize the color of your luminaries, spray paint the pool noodle pieces in your desired colors. Allow them to fully dry before proceeding.
Once dry, decorate the pool noodle pieces with ribbons, stickers, or glitter as desired. You can either glue the decorations on or simply wrap them around the luminary.
Place an LED tea light or a small bundle of fairy lights inside the plastic cup at the center of each pool noodle luminary.
Arrange the luminaries in your desired location, ensuring they remain upright and stable.
Final Looks
Variations & Tips
There are several ways to put your own spin on these pool noodle luminaries. For a more rustic look, wrap the noodles in jute rope or burlap fabric. To create a festive ambiance for holidays, use themed stickers or paint in holiday colors. You can also try using different types of LED lights, like color-changing LEDs, to give each luminary a dynamic effect. If you prefer a more uniform appearance, use pool noodles in a single color and add intricate cut-out patterns for a striking contrast when the lights shine through. Experiment with different sizes and shapes, like cutting the noodles at angles, to create a varied and visually interesting display.